Thursday, January 6, 2011

CD "intelligent" call for the dates of patients taking the drug

Being a company, "Novartis" of the drugs at the present time many of the tests on the development of medicine is a unique unprecedented or rather drive, but it is not unusual, they drive to a wireless act as an alert, it serves as a bell The person Palmied set for his medication through a systematic process characterized by smooth and accuracy, so the problem will be overlooked or forgotten the drug in his appointments carefully very soon forgotten, from past
Perhaps one of the major problems faced by many patients is the lack of discipline and perseverance to deal with their medication on time, which would result in the often disastrous consequences, commitment in dealing with drugs in most diseases can be very important because of its positive impact on improved health patient.
He hopes the members of the consortium "Novartis" of the procedures necessary to extract the licenses that authorize use of these disks and then placing on the market within 18 months, after making sure of their effectiveness and safety and the absence of any side effects on a long-term.
This is because it comes to drug is known is no need to mention has been prepared previously by the company, which is prescribed to patients who had conducted a kidney transplant, to be addressed immediately after the completion of the process.
Intelligent disk:
When Etjra person disk with drinking water, have been swallowed also chip very accurate hiding inside the disk, and once it reaches the stomach communication takes place between them and the gastric acid, which in turn sends signals to outside the body, are received by another slide in the form of adhesive tape programmer installed on the shoulder of the patient.
You slide the transfer of these signals in the form of a warning message through the mobile phone provides, for example, "Please take the medicine immediately," or "Do not forget the date medication."
It is worth mentioning that it is impossible to forget this disk to send the message in time, because this type of disc has undergone several extensive testing and strict surveillance and complete control, and thus replace the mailbox doses of traditional length of treatment, the latter is a plastic box dedicated to this purpose divided into boxes arranged times of day of the "morning - afternoon - evening - in the middle of the night" is a way help the patient in the case of forgetting to take any type of medication, but after this drug became the smart way would be pointless in many cases.
This is the drive as an optimal solution, a genius for patients living with Alzheimer's disease, where it mixes them days a week, or they think they are now in a new day soon took them a rest Owalakhlud in a deep sleep at noon.Mortality and financial losses:
According to the report Sadermn "American Heart Association's" guaranteed that there are more than 200.000 deaths per year related to the issue of lack of awareness and lack of attention to the dates set for the drug.
According to estimates issued by the German Society for health-care-oriented citizen DGbG, has caused the omission and neglect of many of the patients on prescribed drugs in Germany suffered losses estimated at 20 million euros.
Forecasts to avoid incurring costs of up to 300 billion euros a year in case the application of this technology for this property. Is it possible that these disks play wireless Savior?
In light of this, Dr "Jochen Schuler" specialist heart hospital, the University of Medicine in Salzburg for his doubts, saying: "adopt the question of addressing the patient's medication or not over the conviction of a doctor effect medicine and positive impact on the health of the patient, who is aware of during his talk with your doctor the benefit of this real estate, this feeling will move directly to the patient, which in turn deals with the medication immediately. "
Also touched on to talk about patient compliance to treatment and to maintain the drug, saying, "If you do not take medication regularly, either through error or omission is final, then it's not just forget the person for his medication, but also there are sick people make the decision to not address it."
It was discovered by researchers from the Danish study that more than half of patients do not follow the physician's instructions, recipes, medical and therapeutic precision, which result in some side effects too dangerous, there are some patients may not feel the extent of the importance of treatment and followed properly and accurately, and some other stops taking the drugs altogether.
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