Wednesday, January 5, 2011

the first cigarette after waking up is the most serious health

A recent U.S. study revealed that smoking a first cigarette after waking up is the most dangerous to health to receive greater levels of smoked nicotine.

According to BBC that smokers who lit a cigarette immediately after waking up every morning at risk to receive higher levels of nicotine than those who are waiting for some time.

The scientists in a study by the University of Pennsylvania to reduce the risks of smoking, measured levels of cotinine, a product of nicotine in order to show the risk of lung cancer.

The study showed that the percentage of cotinine rise among those who lit a cigarette immediately after waking from their peers who waited until breakfast.

The study says that the percentage of cotinine vary dramatically among smokers who use twenty cigarettes a day and the highest level was detected in those who got Sijarthm during the first half an hour after waking.

The study says it can not be considered for all smokers in the same perspective and work to reduce smoking requires taking into account the individual behaviors, such as those concerning the number of cigarettes smoked and in a manner and physiological symptoms that characterize each case separately.

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