Friday, January 7, 2011

Fake drugs ... A successful treatments

Tuebingen: Sometimes the fake drugs is more effective than real drugs, but what reason? This is discussed by scientists at the University of Tuebingen Germany, they are conducting studies on the effectiveness of medicines free of active substance, placebo that may have been resolved in the future replace the real drugs.
German doctor does not need, "Powell you" in the treatment of patients to syringe or a scalpel, the most important needs of this German physician in his work is "deception."
Powell is a professor, a professor of mental diseases and diseases caused by the German at the University of Tuebingen, is a pioneering specialist in drug therapy phantom in Germany. And studies on drugs that, in fact, not be considered drugs because they are devoid of any active ingredient.
When the volunteers sitting on the seat in front of the electric Professor Powell, puts the latter on the tongue of a volunteer-flavored licorice tablets which claim that it helps against nausea. And then begins to seat in the rotor rotation and seeking patient in the CD is licorice in his mouth to resist the feeling of wanting to vomit.
As for what you do not know this patient is that the good doctor did not give him an effective drug but gave candy color and flavor, but free of any drug substance effectively.
However, his condition improved after going by the seat of several laps, and so better than patients who did not get licorice tablets.
When it leads patients believe in the feasibility of treatment to better effect on their health, doctors call it placebo effect "placebo."

Is not what gives Mr. Powell for his patients, in fact only false information but stimulating, where the illusion of his patients that they have received treatment, forcing the brain to send signals through the body, rather than to get the body to chemical drugs secreted by the body itself inhibitors of the pain of its own, such as hormones endorphin or analgesics the body's own natural.
In this regard, "says Mr. Powell:" What happens in these processes is the same mechanisms of traditional medicine, but without the side effects .. and so can handle the pain and feeling of general discomfort and skin diseases from the body through its own pharmacy. "

The relationship between doctor and patient: This information also have effects in traditional medicine, who taught in the universities, "where the success of treatment depends on what the patient expects from this treatment," as explained by Powell, who pointed out that the treatment is better when the patient believes its effectiveness.

Powell noted that experiments performed on the placebo confirmed that the relationship between doctor and patients affect the healing of the sick, making a strong confidence between doctor and patient factors, a successful treatment.
If the patient received care and attention of his doctor, the patient recovery is faster.
Research multiple:
Supports the Association of German researchers, "de FG" this project during the next three years 2.6 million euros and involving, in addition to the University of Tuebingen, all from the University of Düsseldorf, Essen and Hamburg and Mannheim Marburg.
Conducts research on a sustained placebo for nearly ten years, but new in this project is the analysis of the mechanisms of specialized treatment and vital nervous and psychological.
Will participate in the trials more than two thousand volunteers from the patients, according to the Hga Vaertis Hvida Association of German researchers, which confirmed that the study of mechanisms phantom process critical for psychology.
Plans Tuebingen University researchers, under the supervision of Powell you, study the relationship between the installation of different personalities and types of placebo effect, and whether to talk with people about the placebo raises concerns, or that there is a willingness to be affected by this fungal treatment? This is what the researchers sought to know through analysis of blood and measure the volunteers a sense of stress and psychological questions directed to them.
See Powell that it is possible to reduce the doses of drugs received by patients in the future because of the similarity of the influence of drugs phantom with the impact of pharmaceutical chemicals, but Mr. German Powell himself knows the boundaries of science, which is owned by, and in that says: "CD-phantom is not a means of treatment, a mistake to believe that it could replace medical treatment. "
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