Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Global Report: Numbers terrifying because of smoking

Washington: He said international experts in cancer in a report released recently found that tobacco smoking would kill six million people next year, cancer and heart disease, pulmonary embolism and a host of other ailments.
According to estimates contained in the "Tobacco Atlas," its new global institution to diseases of the lungs and the American Cancer Society, the cost of tobacco use on the global economy is about $ 500 billion per year in the form of direct medical expenses and a decrease in productivity and environmental damage.
The report said "the case of tobacco causes one out of every ten deaths in various parts of the world and will kill 5.5 million people this year alone." If current trends continue the number will increase by 2020 to an estimated seven million people and will exceed eight million by 2030.
According to the two organizations and two bodies of research and consulting non-profit Hadftin that smoking rates declined in rich countries like the United States, Britain and Japan over the last four decades while it rose in most parts of the developing world.
Among the information contained in the report that the number of smokers than men, "billion" representing 35 percent of men in rich countries and 50 percent of men in developing countries.
The report said the risk of dying from lung cancer more than 23 times more than in smokers compared to non-smokers.
He added that tobacco kills between one third and half of all smokers, smokers and reconstruction of about 15 years shorter on average than non-smokers ages, and smoking tobacco will kill 250 million at the end of teenagers and children who are now living.
The report said that tobacco smoking killed one hundred million people in the twentieth century and predicted that the number of victims up to one billion people in the twenty-century atheist if they apply effective measures to prevent young people from smoking and help current smokers to quit smoking.
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