Wednesday, January 5, 2011

WHO: Smoking biggest cause of preventable death around the world

Geneva: World Health Organization said that chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke, often associated with Western lifestyle, have become major causes of death worldwide.
The Organization of the United Nations in a report in this regard that the shift from infectious diseases including tuberculosis, AIDS and malaria (traditionally the biggest killers) to non-communicable diseases is expected to continue until 2030.
And Ties Boerma, Director of the department of health statistics and information organization in a statement: "In more and more countries the chief causes of death are noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease and strokes."
The annual report entitled "World Health Statistics 2008" on data collected from the SCO member states and the 193.
The report lists data on levels and mortality in children and adults, patterns of disease and the spread of factors endangering life such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
According to the text of the report "with the aging of the population in middle-and low-income over the past twenty-five the next, the proportion of deaths due to noncommunicable diseases will rise significantly."
By 2030, the report says that deaths from cancer, cardiovascular diseases and traffic accidents will together account for 30 percent of the total deaths.
The Director-General Margaret Chan in a speech to the annual meeting of the Organization for the concerns of the growing rate of chronic non-communicable diseases.
Chan said that "the rates of diabetes and asthma are on the rise everywhere. Even low-income countries are seeing shocking increases in obesity, especially in urban areas and often starting in childhood."
That smoking is the single largest cause of preventable death worldwide, killing "a third and half of all smokers," according to the WHO. And cast blame on smoking in deaths from heart attacks, strokes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which numbered 5.4 million in 2004.
The report added that more than 80 percent of the deaths is expected to grow up to 8.3 million cases in 2030 due to smoking will be witnessed by developing countries.
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