Sunday, January 9, 2011

Eating too much red meat displays the risk of stroke

A recent study demonstrated that women who eat lots of red meat have a higher risk of stroke.
I went study 30000 Lady Swedish that women who eat at least 102 grams of meat every day have a higher risk of stroke by 42% for women who drank less than 25 grams of meat due to the impact of meat on the flow of blood in the the brain.
Nutrition experts have proved negative impact of red meat a lot of diseases, including increased risk of certain types of cancer, heart disease and increase blood pressure. However, this study focused on the impact of meat in abundance on the risk of stroke.
Has d. Susanna Larsson of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm with the research team to follow up the case of 34 670 women aged between 39-73 years old, and they all are not suffering from vascular disease or cancer when the study began in 1997. During the ten years of follow-up in 1680 a woman was hit by strokes.
He spoke of stroke due to a blocked artery, which supplies the brain with blood, known as cerebral infarction, the most common types of stroke, which represents 78% of strokes that dealt with the study. While other species occur as a result of bleeding in the brain or for unspecified reasons.
However, the study found no link between eating red meat or processed and the risk of other types of strokes.
The scholars explain that the relationship between eating meat and the incidence of this type of stroke attachment to eating meat increase blood pressure, the main cause of stroke. The iron is red meat may also lead to increased production of free radicals groups that infect the tissue. The study also showed that processed meats are rich in sodium, which may increase blood pressure.
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